Russian grammar chants

Grammar chants is a very efficient memorizing technique which helps you learn grammar structures and words effortlessly. Relax, follow the rhythm, listen and repeat.

It’s also a great idea if you move rhythmically – you can dance, work out, jog or even do your house chores as you listen to the grammar chants.

What’s the mechanism behind this memorizing technique?

While you concentrate on the rhythm, dance and sing along, you stop analysing the language and perceive it unfiltered and effortlessly, like a child. The pleasure you get from the music and the movement reinforces greatly your ability to memorize. The melodies and rhythm used in my grammar chants are very simple and that creates an effect of an “ear worm”, a song that gets into your brain as stays there foverer.

You can listen and download 13 grammar chants:

Download Russian grammar chants:

  1. Verb conjugation – делать
  2. Verb conjugation – говорить
  3. Verb conjugation – жить
  4. Personal pronouns – Accusative case (Objective form)
  5. People
  6. Days of the week
  7. Counting 1-10
  8. Counting 11-19
  9. Counting 10-100
  10. Verbs of motion – идти
  11. Verbs of motion – ехать
  12. Verb “to be” – past tense – быть
  13. Ordinal numbers

1. Verb conjugation – делать

2. Verb conjugation – говорить

3. Verb conjugation – жить

4. Personal pronouns – Accusative case

5. People

6. Days of the week

7. Counting 1-10

8. Counting 11-19

9. Counting 10-100

10. Verbs of motion – идти

11. Verbs of motion – ехать

12. Быть – past tense

13. Ordinal numbers

Download Russian grammar chants

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